What Sets Us Apart

How Our Puppies Are Raised

At Austin Golden Doodles our primary goal is to raise happy and healthy puppies, socialized in a family friendly environment with the appropriate Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) to ensure you are getting a rockstar of a pupster!

All of our puppies are raised by us in our home [not in cages, not in a garage], as they are our family!. We rotate their living environment as they grow and become curious by encouraging Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS). We get them used to many different sights, sounds, and smells including swimming in the summer.


We closely monitor our mom’s during their last few weeks before delivery time. As you can imagine, all preggo mom’s want to do is get affection, cuddles and loads of TLC. Mom gets a “Spoiled-Preggo-Mom-Home-Made-Diet” that consists of organic ground beef added to her dog food… and let me tell you: They love this treat!. We also take them for short walks along the house, as our moms get tired easily!


Our moms give us typical signs that they are ready to pop and as you can imagine is a very exciting time in our home. All of our puppies are born in our bedroom and stay there for the first week so we can keep a close eye on them, taking daily weights to ensure everyone is thriving. Once we are confident that they can be alone with mom, we transition them to our Nursery Room.


Let the potty training begin!!

Pups are moved from their whelping box to our “Nursery Room” where they have a place to sleep and a place to go potty. We start “potty training”, so they learn to potty in the correct area. Even at this young age, pups instinctually don’t like to go to the restroom where they sleep (this is the premise behind using a crate for potty training).

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During this time, we start Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) with our pups to ensure they go home with you very well socialized and ready to give you kisses.

  • Stage one:

    Newborn to 2 weeks old — Silent senses...

    This is the Neonatal stage and dependence on mother dog: your baby is born with his eyes closed and his ears shut.

  • Stage two:

    3 to 4 weeks old — Introducing food & Making Noises.

    Transitional stage and development of senses and weaning: This is the stage where the eyes & ears open. Yes! Your baby can see and hear!. They start to make all kinds of little noises and they have no clue what or who did them.. Is the most adorable stage. They learn to bark and eat puppy food outside of moms milk.

  • Stage three:

    5 to 8 weeks old — Training, vaccinations and Socializing with siblings...

    During this time, we start Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS). We hold them, play with them and introduce toys. We start the discovery journey where we take them outside of their nest and we introduce them to the real world one healthy step at a time. Once the pups are 6 weeks, they are taken outside for a little group outing! It’s a great time for them to practice all their new-found skills ie. running, jumping, etc. It’s also a great time for them to interact with other adult dogs besides mom…

    This is by far the most wonderful time for us as they love to chase our feet and play with our fingers non stop. #besttimeever


  • At 6 weeks of age

    You get to meet your baby in person, of course if the circumstances are there, if not, we facetime so you can see how your baby is developing.

  • shopping time

    The new parents go shopping for their babies, to ensure your baby will have everything they’ll need when they get to go home with you.

    Click here for a list of our favorite items.


    It’s our time to say Goodby to our little puppies. At 8 weeks old our babies go with their parents to their forever homes. We meet at our home where we give you a folder with all of your baby’s information which includes vaccines records and more.